Tag: Islamists
“We tried Islamic rule, what was the result?”
by Musa Hamid | 2020-02-04 | Politics
Dr Haider Ibrahim, a political sociologist and Sudanese intellectual, said in an interview with AlAdwaa.Online that “Islamists have no future in Sudan”.
Can political Islam make it in post-revolution Sudan?
by Musa Hamid | 2020-01-30 | Politics
The 30-year authoritarian rule by the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) came to an end in April 2019. While Islamists are still active in the military, the security and the civil service, their political future and chances to ascend to power again are uncertain.
- Abdelhadi Al-Hag
- Abdelrahman Ibrahim
- Adam Mohamed Ahmed
- Ahmed Abdulghani
- Aisha Al-Samany
- Alaa Eliass
- Anas Alhafiz
- Elzahraa Jadallah
- Emtenan Alrady
- Faiz Abubakr
- Hajooj Kuka
- Hamid Ibrahim
- Hasan Ishag
- Hassan Berkia
- Hassan Faroug
- Israa Dawood
- Kefaya Ahmed
- Lodan Tariq
- Mahir Abu Goukh
- Mazza Saleh
- Mead Mubarak
- Mohamed Al-Amin
- Mohamed Ibrahim
- Mohamed Saeed
- Mohammed Abdel Hafeez
- Mohammed Al-Fateh
- Musa Hamid
- Nasreldine El-Tayyeb
- Omar Al-Farouk
- Omniat Mohamed
- Rafa Renas
- Rania Abbas
- Rifga Abdallah
- Samar Dhaif Allah
- Shifa Adam Mohammed
- حواء رحمة